There were quite a few brave souls out, even with the weather a bit changeable, but I didn't photograph everyone's pieces. I'll update here with more bits as people send them to me!
Here's the bits and pieces from our Crane Bar sketches:
Josephine Boland -

Donal Fallon -

Jay Penn -

Michelle Gunning -

And one of the "local characters" insisted on giving me his rendition of the Crane Bar in my sketchbook. He signed it in the bottom right, so if you can make out his name I'll tag it as well.

And here's Urban Sketching from other locations over on the Pub Scrawl blog
The weather has been atrocious here in Galway all summer, so we've been a bit too cautious to go out Urban Sketching, but we're going to do ou best to rectify that and get some done in what remains of the bright months! Keep an eye peeled for a gathering in August and September at least.